Code of Ethics

If you are an Active Series Certified Professional, you must follow our principles of professional conduct.

  • Make client’s safety, health, and welfare the most important priority
  • Provide realistic goals and fair services to all clients
  • Preserve client confidentiality
  • Avoid sexually oriented banter and inappropriate physical contact
  • Stay up to date on the latest health and fitness research to appropriately serve clients
  • Maintain first-aid services certifications updated
  • Comply with all applicable laws
  • Keep consistent pricing and procedural policies

Professional Practices and Disciplinary Procedures

Active Series may revoke certifications of an individual in the case of:

  • Lack of requirements for certification or recertification
  • Irregularity in connection with any certification examination
  • Unauthorized use of distribution of trademarks, logos, brochures, or written materials
  • Any fraud related to test, final exam, quiz or any other examination to get a certificate
  • Negligence and/or intentional misconduct in professional work related to our principles
  • The timely conviction, plea of guilty, or plea of nolo contendere in connection with a crime directly related to public health and/or education

Please contact Active Series for more information